[FSUG PD] Trovare l'alternativa di un programma proprietario

Luca Berton - Tesoriere - FSUG Padova luca.berton a fsugpadova.org
Mar 30 Dic 2008 15:03:50 CET

Ciao a tutti!

Vi segnalo questo sito che secondo me è geniale http://www.osalt.com/
(Open Source AS Alternative). Purtroppo è in inglese ma è troppo carino.
Semplicemente vi segnala l'alternativa libera per un programma
proprietario e le piattaforme su cui è disponbile (windows mac linux
unix java).
Semplicemente basta scrivere il software che vi interessa e lui vi
propone una descrizione e le varie alternative evidenziando pregi e
difetti di ognuna.

*  Esempio con Photoshop:                              *

Available for: windows* mac

Tags: digital-photography layers bitmap graphics drawing retouching

Photoshop is the most well known and widely used graphics editing
software. Recognized by most professionals as the single most important
tool. Photoshop has since it's introduction always been a tool which
has evolved steadily over time - each new version bringing more new
features to help in image editing and drawing. Many of the features
known to everybody working with graphical application originates from
Photoshop. And today Photoshop is considered the most feature-rich
application of it's kind. Basic features like layers and channels are
supplemented by paths and other vector based tools. All text editing is
done with vectors just as you create or select from a library of 2d
vector shapes - to add more life to you drawings. Layer styles is also
a great feature the allows you to quickly and simple create logos with
just the right gradient, outline, shadows and more - and even using
non-destructive editing. Each new version of Photoshop is worth looking
out for.

Adobe also offers Photoshop Elements the little brother of Photoshop,
but nevertheless a very powerful product. 

Open source Photoshop alternatives:

- CinePaint 0.23
Available for: windows mac linux unix
Started as a fork of the Gimp project, the goal is to create a more
professional graphical editing application aimed at the movie industry.
One of the major differences from Gimp is that CinePaint...

- Gimp 2.6
Available for: windows mac linux unix 
Probably the oldest and most well-known open source graphic application
- GNU Image Manipulation Program or Gimp was started in 1995 and has
since then grown to the status it has today. Gimp is a...

- Krita 1.6.1
Available for: linux unix 
Krita is open source bitmap editing and drawing with the following
advanced features: 16-bit image support, High dynamic resolution
images, CMYK and even color management. As part of the KOffice...

- Seashore 0.1.9
Available for: mac
Seashore, an open source image editing program for the MacOS's Cocoa
framework, stands somewhere between the old MacPaint and Photoshop. Its
advantage lies in serving the basic image editing needs...

Gimpshop 2.2.11
Available for: windows mac linux
If you feel at home in Photoshop, but need an open source alternative -
Gimpshop is the way to go. Gimpshop is a hack made on top of the
original Gimp project which changes all menues, dialogs, etc.,... 

My two cents

Luca Berton
Tesoriere - Free Software Users Group Padova
email:  mr.evolution a fsugpadova.org
web:    http://www.fsugpadova.org
myblog: http://www.mrevolution.eu

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