[FSUG PD] drm e martyelli.

alex alexxmed a libero.it
Ven 10 Ago 2007 13:15:33 CEST

tratto da:



If you go into a hardware store and buy a hammer, you won't be paying the 
amount it cost to produce and ship it.
YES YOU DO IT. The cost includes all the profit margins, and to the 
competition those are reasonable. I want to continue with your hardware 
store example as this turn out to be really funny and you'll maybe see my 
point of view.

Consider that the majors have been trying to push bloody business models 
where one or more of those restriction apply to you:

1) Pay for each nail you hit with the hammer
2) Rent the hammer and pay monthly for ulimited strikes on nails - when the 
rent expires all your nails disappear
3) Be limited to use your hammer just in your room
4) Be limited to use only a specific brand of nails - In case this is 
overturned by a clever hacker all the nails can cease to work (see 
playsforsure against old MS DRM)
5) whatever else limiting to you but more profitable to them
6) Get sued if you lent/use a hammer from another person
7) Pay for a hammer that can be used to build 10 houses - Ops, sorry, after 
the sale terms are changes: only 7 houses (Apple FairPlay Cd burning)

From my humble point of view as noone would use such a tool [eff.org]. 
Conclusions: those corporations have been looking actively for extincion 
and fully deserve it.

p.s.: e sabato ho un tot di babysittering et altera...

/questo testo è una piccola misura antispam
con i migliori auguri che possa servirvi almeno
ad individuare i miei messaggi originali da quelli
spediti da altri utilizzando il mio indirizzo/ 

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